CAJ shows its readiness as bridge between ASEAN and China

President of Confederation of ASEAN Journalists (CAJ) Thepchai Yong told an ASEAN-China media forum in Beijing on May 14, 2019 that CAJ is ready to be a bridge for closer cooperation for media in ASEAN and China.
The forum, held under the theme “New Trends, New Cooperation, New Future,” also heard pledges by representatives of media from ASEAN and China to collaborate and work closer together in order to deepen understanding among the peoples in the region.
The forum was organized by the ASEAN-China Center, China’s Mission to ASEAN and China International Publishing Group. It was the second ASEAN-China media cooperation forum to be held by China.
“I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that CAJ is more than ready to share our experience with our media colleagues in the region and serve as a bridge for collaboration and cooperation between ASEAN and China,” Thepchai said in his remarks.